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How important is your fishing rod? It can make the difference between cramping hands and exhaustion at the end of the day or relative comfort after a hard day's fishing. Fishing rods can also make the difference between catching fish and just fishing! No one knows more about the perfect rod for your type of fishing than a custom rod builder. They can also create a rod for you that mirrors your personality and exhibits your own personal flair.

Each month, we will feature an advertiser or a custom rod making technique on this page. Please scroll down and review our listing of New Jersey Custom Rod builders.


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The staff at is sad to announce the passing of Ed Rea of Big Ed's Custom Rods in Toms River. Ed had been advertising with us since our launch in August of 2013. A surfcaster for over 30 years, Ed got the "itch" to begin building custom rods about 18 years ago. He completed a course with instructor John Bogan and had been constructing custom rods ever since. Ed always used the finest materials and prided himself on the quality and strength of his custom builds. Ed was a member of the New Jersey Beach Buggy Association, and always tried to spend as much free time as he could manage to get out surfcasting for stripers using...what else...his own custom creations. He would always test his designs in actual field conditions.

Ed was an active member of the North East Rod Builders (NERBS), a group of custom fishing rod builders who share a passion for the artistic aspect of the craft. Even while battling cancer, Ed still helped out, manning their booth at the International Custom Rod Building (ICRB) Exposition in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Additionally, Ed built custom rods using snakeskin and abalone inlays. His abilities in using this technique is truly a tribute to Ed's craftsmanship.

The owners and staff of extend our sincerest condolences to Ed's wife Sandy and his entire family. We wish them warm memories and happy thoughts as they celebrate Ed's life.


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